BSE 650-0
Bus switching unit
BSE 650-0
Unité de commutation
BSE 650-0
Unità di comando bus
BSE 650-0
BSE 650-0
BSE 650-0
BSE 650-0
Sběrnicová spínací
BSE 650-0
1 Sek.
4 Sek.
4 Sek.
4 Sek.
1 Sek.
4 Sek.
1 Sek.
1-59 Sek.
1 Min.
4 Sek.
4 Sek.
4 Sek.
Technische Daten
Bus switching unit BSE 650-...
is designed for mounting in 55 mm
dia. switchboxes. The integrated, bi- voltage) may only be stripped back
stable relay is equipped with a chan- as far as necessary to allow it to be
therefore never be allowed to come
into contact.
The bus line cable (safety extra-low
• Versorgung der Busschnittstelle
erfolgt aus dem YR-System-Bus
• Kontaktbelastung
max. 250 V AC, 6 A,
Stromkreisabsicherung mit max.10 A geover contact for 250 V 6A and is
connected. In this way, the housing
acts as a separating web for reliable
electrical isolation of SELV/PELV from
• Kontaktbelastung min.
5 V / 100 mA
used, for example, for actuating
gates, roller blinds, lighting etc. The
10 V / 10 mA
24 V / 1 mA
relay can be programmed as a timer the mains voltage!
or as a switch.
• Zulässige Schaltleistungen:
- Motore max. 3 A
- Glühlampen max. 1300 W
- Energiesparlampen:
With the switch panel mounting
accessory ZHSB 650-0, the
BSE 650-... can also be mounted on
a top-hat rail.
1 Terminal assignment
Remark relating to the switching
max. 18 x Silvania 7 W
oder 12 x Osram 11 W
- Leuchtstofflampen unkompensiert
cos ϕ 0,5 max. 800 VA
- Duo-Leuchtstofflampen
max. 1200 VA
- Parallelkompensierte
Leuchtstofflampen max. 400 VA
- Eisenkerntrafos für Niedervolt-
Halogenlampen max. 1000W
The integrated relay is fitted with a
bi-stable switching contact. Marked
• Button for programming and func- vibrations during transport can
Operating elements
tion testing
• LED for status display.
result in this changing over to the
switch-through status. If the mains
power is connected, it is possible for
there to be live voltage at the out-
put. After switching on the
BSE 650-... (connection at the
YR bus), the relay is always set to
the „Off status“.
Depending on how it has been pro-
grammed, the BSE 650-... is actua-
ted by a door call, a function key in
- Elektronische Trafos für Niedervolt- the BTC 750-..., the touchscreen
Halogenlampen max.1300 W
• Schutzart IP 20
monitor MOCT 711-... or the bus
input module BEM 650-...
• Umgebungstemperatur 0-40° C
Once the device is completely instal-
led, commissioning/programming
can take place. Switch on the mains
Functional remark
Electrical devices may only be instal-
led and mounted by suitably quali-
fied electrical specialists.
During a call, background noise cau-
sed by the data transmission may be
Conductor routing
In order to comply with the general
safety regulations for telecommuni-
cation systems according to VDE
0100 and VDE 0800, and to avoid
interference, ensure that the heavy
and light current conductors are
separately routed, observing a
distance of 10 cm. See also the rele-
vant national and local regulations.
Do not mount these devices in
boiler rooms.
Programming for the system can
take place at any device manually or
using a PC connected to the
MOCT 711-... or to the PRI 602-...
and BIM 650-... . The PC program-
ming software BPS 650-... must be
separately ordered on CD.
Even when PC programming, all
devices must be accessible at least
once more.
Safety remark
In accordance with DIN VDE 0100
Part 410, Section 411.1.3, steps
must be taken to observe a secure
separation between bus lines and
mains voltage lines. Bus cores, mains
cores and insulating sleeves must
Manual programming
During programming, actuation and
the ON time of the bus switching
unit BSE 650-... are defined. Only
the buttons BTS/BTC 750-... and
BTLM 650-... for actuation can be
manually programmed. For pro-
gramming a key and an LED as a
status display and functional testing
are available.
Defining call buttons for actua-
tion of the BSE 650-... which
actuate the BSE 650-... with the
function „secondary signal con-
troller“ in parallel to a
Deleting the control button for
actuation of the BSE 650-... .
Buttons which act on a BSE 650-...
are generally individually deleted,
i.e. when the BSE is in the delete
mode, each button you wish to
delete must be selectively accessed
and deleted.
BTS/BTC 750-... .
Defining control buttons for
actuation of the BSE 650-... .
No BTLM 650-... or BTLE 051-... is
Call buttons with NSC function can
only be overwritten. In order to
If you wish for an additional signal
There is no BTLM 650-... or
BTLE 050-... activated. The
BSE 650-... can only be programmed at the BTS/BTC 750-..., the swit-
to be issued when actuating the call delete a button programmed with
button, in parallel to the call signal
an NSC function, this must first be
overwritten with a button at the
BTS/BTC750-... (control function).
The key can subsequently be dele-
when the YR system is active.
ching contact in the BSE 650-... can
be used for actuation.
Switch BSG 650-... to the pro-
gramming mode;
However, the call button at the door ted.
loudspeaker must already be pre-
The status LED at the BSG 650-...
flashes evenly.
Fig. 2
viously assigned to the relevant
BTS/BTC 750-... .
At a BSE 650-... either a control
function or a parallel connected
NSC function can be programmed.
Double assignment is not possible.
Switch the BSG 650-... to the
programming mode;
(if not already switched on)
The status LED flashes evenly.
Fig. 2
Switch the BSE 650-... you wish
to program to the programming
The status LED flashes very slowly.
Fig. 3
Switch the BSE 650-... you wish
to program to the programming
The status LED flashes very slowly.
Fig. 3
Switch the BSG 650-... to the
programming mode;
The status LED flashes evenly.
Fig. 2
Pick up the receiver of the
BTS/BTC 750-... at which you
wish to program a button;
The call connected signal sounds.
Fig. 4
Switch the BSE 650-... you wish
to program to the programming
The status LED flashes very slowly.
Fig. 3
Switch the BSE 650-... to the
delete mode;
The status LED stays alight
Fig. 8
Press the button you wish to
Lift the receiver at the
An acknowledgement tone sounds
in the receiver. Replace the receiver.
Fig. 5
Press the call button you wish to BTS/BTC 750-... from which you
program at the door loudspea-
The status LED at the BSE 650-...
briefly flashes faster and the door
call sounds at the parallel
BTS/BTC 750-... .
wish to delete the button;
The call connected tone sounds.
Fig. 4
If you wish this BSE 650-... to be
actuated from several
BTS/BTC 750-... units, repeat the
Press the button you wish to
steps described for Fig. 4 and 5 until Fig. 7
all the telephones / BTLM units are
You will hear an acknowledgement
tone in the receiver. If you wish to
delete the button in several
BTS/BTC 750-... units which actuate
this BSE 650-... , repeat the steps
described under Fig. 4 and Fig. 5
until all telephone buttons have
been deleted.
Switch off the programming
mode at the BSG 650-...
The status LED goes out, operating
status of the overall system.
Fig. 6
or process other programming
Switch off the programming
mode at the BSG 650-... ;
Status LED is extinguished, opera-
ting status of the overall system.
Fig. 6
Fig. 5
or process other programming
Switch off the programming
mode at the BSG 650-...
The status LED goes out, operating
status of the overall system.
Fig. 6
Deleting the bell buttons for
actuation of the BSE 650-...
Switch the BSE 650-... you wish
to program to the programming
The status LED flashes very slowly.
Fig. 3
Switch the BSG 650-... to the
programming mode;
The status LED flashes evenly.
Fig. 2
Defining the bell buttons for
actuation of the BSE 650-...
Switch the BSE 650-... to the
time setting mode;
BTLM 650-... or BTLE 051-... acti-
The status LED flashes unevenly 3:1
Fig. 9
The BTLM 650-... or BTLE 051-... is
Programming the BSE 650-... is only
possible if the YR system is active.
Fig. 13
Set the toggle switching func-
tion at the BSE 650-... ,
At the door loudspeaker, press
the call button you wish to dele- save and at the same time switch
Fig. 15
off the programming mode.
The status LED goes out
Fig. 10
Switch the BSG 650-... to the
programming mode;
The status LED flashes evenly.
Fig. 2
Switch off the programming
mode at the BSG 650-... ;
The status LED goes out, operating
status of the overall system.
Fig. 6
Switch off the programming
mode at the BSG 650-...
The status LED goes out,
operating status of the overall
BTLM 650-... or BTLE 051-... acti-
Fig. 13
process other programming points
Fig. 6
Switch the BSE 650-... you wish
to program to the programming
The status LED flashes very slowly.
Fig. 14
Defining the switching time /
switching function of the relay
Time relay function
Switch the BSG 650-... to the
programming mode;
(if not yet switched on)
The status LED flashes evenly.
Fig. 2
At the door loudspeaker, press
the call button which you wish
to actuate the BSE 650-... ;
Fig. 15
If you pause for periods longer than
5 seconds, i.e. if the button at the
BSE is not actuated for this period,
the BSE 650-... automatically swit-
ches out of the programming mode. Switch the BSE 650-.. you wish
Switch off the programming
mode at the BSG 650-... ;
The status LED goes out, operating
status of the overall system.
Fig. 6
to program to the programming
The status LED flashes very slowly.
Fig. 3
The relay can be programmed for
the switching function in two diffe-
rent ways.
Toggle mode
On/off function every time the but-
ton is actuated
Switch the BSE 650-... to the
time setting mode;
process other programming points
such as defining the switching time / (as-delivered status).
The status LED flashes unevenly 3:1
Fig. 9
switching function of the relay con-
Time relay
When actuating the button, the
relay switches for the programmed
time (retriggering possible).
Set the time relay switching
function at the BSE 650-... ;
The status LED flashes quickly
Fig. 11
Toggle function
In the „time relay switching func-
tion“ mode, a programming time
limitation of 5 seconds is integrated.
If the button is not actuated at the
BSE within this time, the BSE 650-...
switches automatically out of the
Switch the BSG 650-... to the
programming mode;
(if not already switched on)
The status LED flashes evenly.
Fig. 2
programming mode and saves the
minimum time of 0.4 secs. If the key • The power supply to the system is
L'unité de commutation bus
at the BSE is actuated several times,
each actuation increments the time
setting up to a maximum of 19
provided by the YR system bus
• Contact load max. 250 V AC,
6 A, circuit fusing with max.10 A
• Contact load min.
BSE 650-... est conçue pour être
montée dans des prises de Ø 55
mm. Le relais bistable incorporé est
équipé d'un contact inverseur pour
250 V 6A et il sert p. ex. à comman-
der les portails, volets roulants, éclai-
rages, etc. Le relais peut être pro-
grammé en tant que minuterie ou
en tant qu'interrupteur.
L'accessoire pour montage dans le
tableau de distribution ZHSB 650-0
permet également de monter la
BSE 650-... sur barre DIN.
The time of the last actuation cor- 5 V / 100 mA
responds to the number of seconds
which is added to the minutes.
For a time setting of 3 mins. 15
secs. , actuate the Programming
mode button at the BSE 4 times,
releasing the button on the last
actuation only after 15 secs.
Maximum time setting 19 minutes,
59 seconds.
10 V / 10 mA
24 V / 1 mA
• Admissible switching outputs:
- Motors max. 3 A
- Light bulbs max. 1300 W
- Energy saving lamps
max. 18 x Silvania 7 W
or 12 x Osram 11 W
- Fluorescent lamps, uncorrected cos
ϕ 0.5 max. 800 VA
- Duo-fluorescent lamps
max. 1200 VA
- Parallel corrected fluorescent lamps • DEL pour l'affichage de l'état.
max. 400 VA
- Iron-core transformers for low-vol-
tage halogen lamps max. 1000W
- Electronic transformers for low-vol- fectue, en fonction de la programm-
tage halogen lamps max.1300 W
• Protection system IP 20
Eléments de commande
•Touche pour la programmation et
le contrôle fonctionnel
The time of the last button actu-
ation at the BSE 650 -... determi-
nes the switching time of the relay
from 1 to 59 secs., before which
each time the button is actuated
increases the switching time by one
minute up to a maximum of 19
La commande de la BSE 650-... s'ef-
ation, par l'intermédiaire de l'appel
de porte, d'une touche de fonction
du BTC 750-..., du moniteur à écran
tactile MOCT 711-..., ou par l'inter-
médiaire du module d'entrée bus
BEM 650-...
Fig. 12
• Ambient temperature 0-40° C
Wait 5 seconds until the BSE 650-...
has switched out of the programm-
ing mode. Each actuation of the
button at the BSE 650-... will other-
wise change the switching time.
Switch off the programming
mode at the BSG 650-... ;
The status LED goes out, operating
status of the overall system.
Fig. 6
L'installation et le montage d'appar-
eils électriques ne doivent être réali-
sés que par un spécialiste en électri-
To allow changes to be made to the
programming at a later time without
problems (i.e. without direct access
to each individual device) the pro-
gramming configuration must be
saved using a PC. In addition,
groups can be formed and scenarios
generated by means of PC program-
ming. The PC can be connected via
the MOCT 711-... or the PRI 602-...
and BIM 650-... . The PC program-
ming software BPS 650-... on CD
must be ordered separately.
Pour satisfaire aux dispositions de
sécurité générales relatives aux
installations de télécommunication
selon VDE 0100 et VDE 0800, et
pour éviter les influences perturba-
trices, il est nécessaire de procéder à
une pose séparée des lignes à cou-
rant fort et des lignes à courant fai-
ble. Une distance de 10 cm doit être
respectée. Se reporter également
aux dispositions nationales corre-
Ne pas monter les appareils dans
la chaufferie.
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